Thursday, August 25, 2005

Rebuking Satan

I see various ways that people try and foil the devil's plans. The best way of course is to follow Torah, and live according to the Torah and the testimony of Yeshua. For those of us who do not keep to this fully and let death slip in (which as far as I know is all of us) and when helping others, many times it necessary to call down the plans of the one who penetrates and kick his butt. How does a Christian go about doing this in full power, as apposed to just having a power show.

I have found that if we use the Example of the Archangel Michael when contending with the devil:

Jud 1:9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you."

Michael, who was chief of the Archangels, and along with Lucifer (till the rebellion, and then replaced by Gabriel) guarded the Arch of the Covenant.

Even Michael did not rebuke Lucifer himself, indeed, Michael is as powerful as Lucifer ever was, but instead of contending with the dragon himself, called directly with the power of God "The LORD rebuke you"

We can also see how playing games with demons can and is dangerous, and the situation gets worse, not improves:

Act 19:13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus, whom Paul proclaims."
Act 19:14 Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this.
Act 19:15 But the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?"

So we see that calling on the name of Jesus is not correct. We should call on God to do the rebuking himself. If we follow the example of the sons of the high priest we could very well get this result.

Act 19:16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

So we can clearly see that what is proper is to Call on God, to rebuke the evil you see, not calling on his power through you.

Option two could be seen as a type of sorcery.

You can disagree with me if you like. If you want to take it up, respond with scripture please.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Redemption - Some graphic detail

This is from about a year ago. It’s graphic, but it’s real. From a time when I was real with myself, and image meant nothing. I am returning there, it is a hard struggle. This is me just after my repentance and rededication to Messiah.

Who am I? Where am I? What have I done that will live on?

I’m 22 (now 23), I have my stories, so many stories, and most of them unfortunately true.

I have partied more than I care to remember. I have been with more women than I know. I have ravaged their bodies, taking advantage of their pain, the lies they have been told, and all their sorrow, to feed my shallow, haunting, self-serving pleasure. I have pushed farther and farther, in empty pursuit of quenching this burning pain, to levels of depravity unimaginable to most people. In the heat of the moment the intensity makes you trust the lies you have been told, you feel like you just might have found a remedy to your pain, your suffering, the burning whole in your heart. The endorphin rush starts and you feel like you have reached an end to the suffering……….then it hits. All that build up, all that hope, crushed. Failure. You might pretend for a second you care. You might even be so good at deception that you think you care. Eventually you roll over. Then it starts… The caving in… The great vast chambers of the human soul, where our God, Lord and Creator of all is to shine gloriously out of us, it is his temple, that he created for this purpose. We have made this place a place of idolatry. As we worship this false god we call love and dedicate more and more of ourselves to this beast our walls to our soul start ot crumble. Rats infest our cellars; cockroaches scurry in every dark place. The deep treasure chambers, which are to be filled with the Glory of God, are cesspools of filth and rotten spoils. A gut-wrenching odor fills the hallways; the springs that were meant to over flow with the Holy Spirit spit up poisonous waste. What have we done to the temple? Why were we promised joy and love, when we only get death and sorrow?

The hurt returns, only stronger, pushing you to greater acts of depravity to maybe reach what you drive for every day. You hope it will be reached today, you hope for today to be the day that your soul stops hurting. Maybe today? It never is that day.

The people you hurt, you don’t care about them, you might tell yourself you do, you might even be able to lie to yourself and think you care. You know you really don’t. You hurt them, they hurt you, it’s a rat race, and it’s all about trying to get pleasure out of each other. That is what you are to do right?

What then do we do? I voice from my youth cries out, “Repent, turn to God, tear down your idols and return to your God, who has redeemed you. He has died for you his bride, that you might be saved”

So I get on my face. I cry out, in despair. “Save me oh father, for I have run from you, I did not head your warnings, I ran away to squander the inheritance that you gave to me.”

My will breaks, my body crumbles and I no longer can hold up my defenses. All is okay. I have run home, out of the hog swaller, I am back in my father’s kingdom, in his love, under his protection. Blessed be his glorious name, who grants mercy and forgiveness for all.