Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cosmic Killjoy

The reason we think God is the "Cosmic Killjoy" is because of Greek Syncretism. We misunderstand God to be something like Zeus. This is an evil that continually impregnates our church and faith as we loose sight on the Hebraic heritage and foundation that we have been loosing since the Bar Kokhba's revolt, 132–135 CE. Yes the Jewish revolt from 66-73 CE and the Kitos War from 115-117 CE did cause division, it held nothing on the Bar Kokhba revolt. The main part of this is the Sanhedrin (Jewish ruling body) proclaimed Simon Bar Kokhba as the Messiah, who would finally defeat the oppressor's and rebuild the Jewish Nation, which for a time he did.

The consequences of this decision though would have monumental effects on the Christian sect, as believers in the way held Yeshua ben Yoseph (Jesus son of Joseph) as their Messiah, and the Schism that became of this, lasts to this day. The problem being that by rejecting the Hebraic heritage of the scriptures, and the festivals that accompany them, there is no culture to hang onto. Thus began the absorption of pagan ideas and culture into the church.

Most of the complaints against the Roman Catholic Church stem from absorption of pagan ways, including Saint Worship, as just one example. Unfortunately for us, the fathers of the Great Reformation did not have the foresight to dispel all pagan ideas and fully return us to the faith of the Scripture.

This my friends has much to do with why we see Yahweh as a Killjoy and not the God of our celebrations. If we partook in the festivals and feast day's that are our true heritage, you might start seeing God as the one who created all that their is to enjoy on this earth.

Now I'm not a proponent of Hedonism, but our Christianity should not look like we are Buddhists either.

Like what I have to say? Offended? Otherwise?

Let me know, it's late at night and I might have blurred through a thought.


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