Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Welcome to Messianic Thought

We believe in TWO HOUSE theology. As much as we believe that Jews are God's chosen people, and those that believe that Yeshua is the messiah are not cut off from the vine, we believe Christians are Israelites (or Ephraim, which means the same thing) and most of them are by genealogy Israelites as well.

See if you read Isaiah and Jeremiah, you will see that because Jeroboam made two golden calves and set them up in Israel, (the 10 northern tribes, they had a civil war, which lasts to this day) God wrote a certificate of divorcement to Israel, sold them to the Assyrians and then scattered them to the wind. While Judah remained intact, but latter had their own enslavement, but they weren't divorced till later when the reject Yeshua as there God.

So what we have at this time in the story is a divorced group of people that were formerly God's chosen people. Who are forever accursed and cannot even repent if they want to. Which is where the term Goyim was originally used (this will be important later). God has divorced them, they have taken another lover, and according to God's own commands concerning divorce, he cannot take her back no matter what, it would be a defilement. These people who are not a people (recognize that line ;) have been dispersed into all the earth, marrying into every tribe and tongue. We even see their influence in early Cherokee writings on tombstones that are definably proto-Hebrew. The devil really thought he won, God was so mad (in the devils mind) that he divorced 10 out of 12 of his tribes and scattered them, cursing anyone who marries with them, because they continue the curse of divorcement.

We also have the other 2 tribes which are Judah and Benjamin, and half the tribe of Levi (the priests, they were throughout all the whole land) They have a period that they repent, but they are writing their interpretations of scripture and leaning on those more than the Torah and the Prophets themselves. They are becoming self-righteous and making their traditions and religion more important than the teachings of their own God.

Now that I've clarified most of the events coming unto the Brit Hadash, or the new testament as most Christians call it. The problem with that is it automatically separates the Torah, Prophets, Writings, from the testaments of Yeshua's life, the letters to the early messianic synagogues, and the Revelation of Yeshua our Messiah. There is only one Gospel, it is the whole bible. It is a continued work. From Adam to you, salvation comes by faith in God. Not of anything else. (just so you all know, Hebrews is my favorite book of the bible now)

So we have Yeshua, born of the line of David, a Jew, rightful King of All Israel, not just Judah. In the first part of the account of his adult life you see him walking around gathering talmidim (or disciples). This of itself shows that he was a rabbi. We also know that he was a Pharisee, his fellow Pharisee's rushed him out of the temple on one early heated occasion. But what we don't know is there were seven sects of Pharisee's, this is why you can have a group that is 100% against him, but yet him still being a Pharisee himself.

So this Rabbi spends three years showing you he is God, and tells everyone where they are tripping over the law, instead of loving each other and learning by it. For Heaven and Earth will pass away before one jot or tittle will pass from the law or prophets. So he obviously wasn't against the Torah, only against the self-righteous doctrines they had formed of it (Can anyone bet that he would do the same if he came back today???). He then makes his trumpet entry into Jerusalem. What Satan, and everyone around, doesn't realize is he is coming as a sacrifice the redeemer they need, not as king the redeemer they want

He then spends the rest of the week preparing for Pesach (passover). He has the Pesach Sedar with this 12 talmidim and goes out to the garden to pray. He brings 2 closer with him to watch by and presides to ask the father to take him as the sacrifice for his people that is what he said, take this cup from me not I don't want to do this.

Then he is arrested in the middle of the night, led around like the pure spotless lamb he is, and whipped for our transgression. He is then taken outside the city where he GOD is nailed to a tree, thereby becoming accursed. He dies. The lamb is slaughtered, for once and for all salvation is accomplished. Also what is not realized by most is that the husband is dead. The curse of divorcement is broken. All people from every tribe and tongue can now fully come to God.

All you have to do is have faith in him.

All of Israel can now come back to the faith their fathers forsook. Does that mean you have to become a Jew? Of course not, you aren't a Jew are you? If you are, yes you are a Jew still. Why become something you were never meant to be. The traditions and teachings of Jews (except for historical knowledge, and some insight) don't do you any good. They broke off from their first love the Torah too. At the same time, the church (general) history it's self will tell you that it is anti-semitic and actually hates the roots of your own faith. She doesn't celebrate the holy days of God, instead has made up her own days to celebrate. She has even moved the Sabbath of the Lord God most high, from the day that he set aside, to a day that would separate themselves from the Jews, their brothers.

All this because of the curse put on David for adultery. A divided house. But that curse is broken, an heir of David has established his rightful throne in the heavens forever. No longer do we have reason to fight. We need to come back together and reconcile.

Jews need to put down their traditions and teaching that distract from the Torah. They need to put down their self righteousness, and come to the common faith in salvation through Yeshua. Which allows us to be set free to obey the commandments of God because we want to, because we love him

Christians need to put down their traditions and teachings that say the Torah is done away with, that we don't have to do those commands anymore. They need to put down their history that says they aren't Israel. They need to start following the commands of God, because we want to, because we love him.

Ephraim and Judah. Two houses. Once divided, but through the common faith in Yeshua. Reunited. The Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom of God.

This actually specifically to this verse is talking about not eating meat because it could be sacrificed to idols, and eating meat because it's not anything to you, you are free in Christ to eat.
Yeshua is our perpetual sacrifice. We are still required all the sacrifices, they are just in a spiritual nature. And since we are all priests under the renewing of the Melkizidekian Priesthood, and the abolishment of the Levitican Priesthood we ourselves
offer up these sacrifices. The Olah offering, we uplift praises to God in Morning and Evening Prayers. The Bread offering, offered every Shabbat with "communion". The fellowship offering, by worshiping and being together on Shabbat. The sin offering, by pleading the blood of Messiah for your sin. Not one of the offerings under the Levitican Priesthood is destroyed, it is made full in the better covenant of the Melkizidekian Priesthood of Yeshua.
Peter's vision is an allegory. He was hungry when he went into the vision, so his vision was played out through his hunger. And in fact if you read the Greek you will find that Kill and Eat:

Kill - thuō; A primary verb; properly to rush (breathe hard, blow, smoke), that is, (by implication) to sacrifice (properly by fire, but generally); by extension to immolate (slaughter for any purpose): - kill, (do) sacrifice, slay.

This implication basically means that the person translating was predisposed to believe that this is saying that everything that was unclean is now clean.

Infact if you look what it says it says to rush

Eat - fag'-o; A primary verb (used as an alternate of G2068 in certain tenses); to eat (literally or figuratively): - eat, meat.

Yes this means to eat

Now you need to really step back here. God is saying rush and eat. Peter knowing that YHVH is telling him to eat with Gentiles replies, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean."

that is common - koinos, koy-nos';Probably from G4862; common, that is, (literally) shared by all or several, or (ceremonially) profane: - common, defiled, unclean, unholy.

First off, again there is a predisposition here, seen this time with injecting the words "that is". There is no reason that you should put those words in, instead "with the" would be just as literally correct to interject, and less confusing.

unclean - ak-ath'-ar-tos; From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally (lewd) or specifically (demonic)): - foul, unclean.

This has NO link whatsoever to food. It is specifically speaking about people that are either ceremonially unclean, morally unclean or lewd, or those that practice in the demonic.

So as we see what really happens is God tells Peter to rush and eat.

Peter replies that he has never eaten with the profane or those that are not ceremonially clean, who are lewd, or who are demoniacally controlled.

God has to tell him three times "What God has made clean, do not call common."

So God tells him, what I have ceremonially cleaned, do not call profane.

This my dear is an example of Christian antisemitism. Although the clear translation (and I got this from strongs) says one thing, they change it to be offensive to the Jews and those that understand their Hebrew faith. Area's like this are what cause so much confusion.

I'm posting this last part as it's own thread. I know it will probably generate a lot of responses

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Homosexuality and such (mature content)

I'm getting really aggravated lately by certain people's lashing out at homosexuals especially, or even those in fornicating relationships. Because they, the people doing the lashing, are total hypocrites.

Honestly, homosexuality and sex out side of marriage, and adultery are sin. They are against the commandments of God. They bring death into our lives. And if we are truly strong Christians, we should not allow it in our midst. But before we start disfellowshiping everyone, have you (especially to the guys, but applies to both) masturbated? From Genesis to Revelation this is the same sin. So if we are going to say those that live a homosexual lifestyle are not welcome, we have to also say those that continue masturbating are not welcome.

What about lust? Have you entertained lustful thoughts lately? In the last month? Do you ever read romance novels? (yes I'll say it, they are really pornography) I could keep going on, but I'm sure you get the idea.

So hopefully we realize that we need to re-evaluate where the LINE IN THE SAND is.

What do I say. I say we love everyone right where they are at. Speak the truth and don't compromise it, but don't attack people either. Is someone in your church living a homosexual lifestyle? Build a friendship with them. Do you really think they can just repent and turn straight? You foolish person, it's a total lifestyle, their whole being is "gay". Build up strong loving men around him that understand what he is up against and will pray for him. The lifestyle is wrong, it will only continue to bring death into his (or her, I'm really not being sexiest here.) life. Understanding that recovery from a lifestyle is hard, and stumbling does happen, but that's why we have a perpetual lamb, and a loving father that runs out to meet us while we are still a great distance off.

So if you don't in anyway associate with the following cast the first stone, otherwise shut up and stop being a judge of the law, and start living the Torah.

Revelation 21:8
But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive, and as for the unbelieving and faithless, and as for the depraved and defiled with abominations, and as for murderers and the lewd and adulterous and the practicer's of magic arts and the idolaters (those who give supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God) and all liars (those who knowingly convey untruth by word or deed)

And BTW if you look up faithful, it means steadfast, or steady in your faith, not having highs and lows but consistently firm in your convictions and obedience.

Supreme devotion? Are you more steadfast in catching an episode of your favorite show than meditating in the word?

Am I saying that I'm above this? Heaven can attest to the fact I am not. I'm laying it out that the world is right, we have been a hate filled judgmental group, that is ignorant and intolerant of the world. And this is in a bad way. We are being just like the rest of the world, not being apart from it.

PS I love you all. lets work together to repent and live holy lives

Friday, June 17, 2005

So this is more of a personal update (someone once told me that's what a journal was really for anyway).

I don't need any encouragement, or to be told not to be concerned with it. I know everything is in God's time. Unless you actually have some advice that will lead me to the person I am supposed to marry, don't comment please. I don't need crap about, trust in the Lord, don't think about it and she will show up, if you seek you aren't trusting God, or any of the other quaint saying that christians come up with. The fact of the matter is I am complete as a Man; I am not looking for a woman to validate me; I am in pursuit of my saviour; I am not harboring sexual sin; or any of the other various obvious reasons that I would not be blessed with the greatest earthly blessing of all, and that is to have one of God's daughters to defend and protect and show his love to and to completely share myself with.

Yes it is true, if you look on my birth certificate you will see that I am 23.5 years old. If you ask the guys downtown that I help, they will tell you 40. If you ask the many people that ask advice of me, they will tell you at least in my thirties, if you ask a stupid online survey I am at least 32, if you ask my 28 year old sister's friends they will swear that I can't be less than 30. Basicly the fact of the matter is I am not an immature 23 year old that doesn't know who he is, or what he really wants in life. What problems do I really have. Number one I live in a city where in any relitive age bracket (21-35) men make up 80% of the population. That would be the first problem. Number 2, I go to a non-seaker friendly church, and honestly most women don't like really hard stuff; it's not their nature. Most (yes I am generalizing, yes I am okay with that, yes there is always an exception, NO I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCEPTION) women want to hear about God's uncompromising love, and acceptiance of us, which is true, but there is also a hardline, you cannot continue to live in sin and even say you love God, or you are a lier.

So if you know of a fairly attractive woman under 5'9", who loves Yeshua, can handle listening to mostly hard lessons, be around when I am in serious debate (doesn't have to be a part of, but cannot get offended by it)(Yes it is always in love), and lives in or willing to relocate to Portland, OR let me know.

Besides that little thing :P I have been doing well. I should work more on a routine for daily devotion. I spend a lot of time in the word, but it's not a daily structured time right now. I also need to work on praying every morning and evening. I mean real time in prayer, not just a quicky. As far as purity, God has blessed me so much. I really shoulld post a big thing about Shavout (firstfruits, or pentacost), it was an awesome time of God's blessing... But not now, I'll post that later.