Friday, June 17, 2005

So this is more of a personal update (someone once told me that's what a journal was really for anyway).

I don't need any encouragement, or to be told not to be concerned with it. I know everything is in God's time. Unless you actually have some advice that will lead me to the person I am supposed to marry, don't comment please. I don't need crap about, trust in the Lord, don't think about it and she will show up, if you seek you aren't trusting God, or any of the other quaint saying that christians come up with. The fact of the matter is I am complete as a Man; I am not looking for a woman to validate me; I am in pursuit of my saviour; I am not harboring sexual sin; or any of the other various obvious reasons that I would not be blessed with the greatest earthly blessing of all, and that is to have one of God's daughters to defend and protect and show his love to and to completely share myself with.

Yes it is true, if you look on my birth certificate you will see that I am 23.5 years old. If you ask the guys downtown that I help, they will tell you 40. If you ask the many people that ask advice of me, they will tell you at least in my thirties, if you ask a stupid online survey I am at least 32, if you ask my 28 year old sister's friends they will swear that I can't be less than 30. Basicly the fact of the matter is I am not an immature 23 year old that doesn't know who he is, or what he really wants in life. What problems do I really have. Number one I live in a city where in any relitive age bracket (21-35) men make up 80% of the population. That would be the first problem. Number 2, I go to a non-seaker friendly church, and honestly most women don't like really hard stuff; it's not their nature. Most (yes I am generalizing, yes I am okay with that, yes there is always an exception, NO I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCEPTION) women want to hear about God's uncompromising love, and acceptiance of us, which is true, but there is also a hardline, you cannot continue to live in sin and even say you love God, or you are a lier.

So if you know of a fairly attractive woman under 5'9", who loves Yeshua, can handle listening to mostly hard lessons, be around when I am in serious debate (doesn't have to be a part of, but cannot get offended by it)(Yes it is always in love), and lives in or willing to relocate to Portland, OR let me know.

Besides that little thing :P I have been doing well. I should work more on a routine for daily devotion. I spend a lot of time in the word, but it's not a daily structured time right now. I also need to work on praying every morning and evening. I mean real time in prayer, not just a quicky. As far as purity, God has blessed me so much. I really shoulld post a big thing about Shavout (firstfruits, or pentacost), it was an awesome time of God's blessing... But not now, I'll post that later.


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