Saturday, May 21, 2005

"Yeshua nailed our SINS to the Tree. He did NOT, I repeat did NOT nail the Tanakh "Old Testament" commandments to it. Paul and the first believers AFTER Yeshua left CONTINUED being observant, and even in his death and resurrection, Yeshua OBSERVED the LAW, he went into the grave before the sabbath started..., and didn't come out of it until AFTER the sabbath rest!! He did this because he was being obedient to HIS Father's commandments!
To quote scripture, Yeshua himself said, 'I come NOT to destroy, 'NOT TO DESTROY' but to fulfill!' That means complete, like making a blanket..., you don't make a blanket then throw it away!!!!"

That is a beautiful picture of the truth.

Comment and Reply:

Here's a thought. Jesus Christ came to fulfil the O.T. writings, both the law and the prophets. He fulfilled everything in the law (which only He could do) and also every prophecy that he was supposed to fulfil. Then He said "it is finished" and set us free from the letter of the law. His death ended the old covenant (as a covenant can only be broken by death) and by His blood we enter into a new and better covenant. If we go back under the old covenant we trample the blood of the new covenant underfoot. Think about it. Christ did not come to "renew" the old covenant like some say out of speculation and faulty "revelations" about the true meaning of the greek, He came to bring a new and everlasting covenant that doesn't depend on man's righteousness but gives us access to God's righteousness through the blood of Jesus Christ the Perfect Lamb. The old covenant feeds the flesh/pride/ego/self-righteousness, but the new covenant requires us to come broken and depend on the Lord for everything because there is nothing we can do in the flesh to be righteous. We can only be righteous through faith, or through the Spirit of God. Old covenant righteousness in the flesh = dung according to the Holy Spirit through Paul, compared to the new covenant righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus who is the fulfilment of the old and beginning of the new. Selah.

he did not fulfill every prophecy in the Tanakh. There are still many many prophecies to be fulfilled. Examples include Zechariah 12-14, large parts of Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, and a few in other places.

"Christ did not come to "renew" the old covenant like some say out of speculation and faulty "revelations" about the true meaning of the greek"

First off Hebrews 8 is a direct quote from Jeremiah 31. And since even your mentor has publicly stated that greek is a spartan language that is completely faulty, we must take such a pivotal verse from the Hebrew it came from.

And if we read closely the whole chapter in context we will realize that this is talking about a future covenant that is to come, that this covenant is ready to pass away. For the time is near when all things will come to an end. Since Hebrews was written after pentecost we know that all things have come to pass till the rejoining of Yeshua to his people that is to come.

The perpetual lamb was a promise of this covenant, ie the picture of Abraham on the mountain and the lamb was provided.

Also I would like to point out that the spirit is in me, I live by the grace of God. I do not claim that special revelation came to me about any of this. I receive my understanding by diligent meditation of scripture. I also am not the one judging another man to heaven or hell. And because of this thing you have done, you have brought Yeshua into the abyss.

I have never stated that my salvation is based on my righteousness, but as a child born of God, I am compelled to follow the teaching and instruction that he has given me. I have asked repeatedly, but I will ask again; What part of the law is it that will lead to my destruction. What is it that I am following that is self righteousness? Explain to my how anything commanded by God could be a sin


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