Friday, April 22, 2005


So I have been learning so much, and been going through so many tests. I'd share, but it's stuff that is personal with other people. But needless to say I have passed several tests with more than a passing grade. I have been stretched beyond what I have known. I have had trust put upon me with the safety of the women and children of my church. I am starting to feel the responsibility. I'm also in a huge storm, all around me waves are crashing, I'm in the middle of huge ocean swells, but I'm only waist deep in the water. I'm learning how to walk and not look down or think if I can do it. God does it and that's what matters, no matter what I can't. I'm worthless, trash that doesn't deserve to live. I only deserve to be thrown into hell and destroyed for my rebellion and hate for God.

Don't worry, cause I'm dead. Yeshua lives. James Zachariah is dead, buried in the grave. Holy Fire is burning his remains. Read the torah out loud. Let the words burn your flesh. Speaking the name of the Creator of the Universe over your life is the best thing you can do. Every day a reading from the Books of the Law is a must. Yeshua is the Books of the Law, so when you speak it you are speaking Messiah.

Anyway we'll see how things go with this job possibility with Precision Cast Parts. It looks like a good deal, wont have to work the Sabbath, and get bonuses at the end of the month. Six months till I get medical insurance through them though. We'll see.

I've been busy all week making my tallit. It's a long tedious process making one.

Well that's all for now, I'm helping my parents find a new car. Pray for a blessing

Monday, April 11, 2005

Having a good old time

Well I'm learning a lot, started working out, studying the Torah like never before. My understanding is much more than ever before, clarity true clarity. My heart had burned for the Commands of God since I was a young child. I was obsessed with Leviticus as a grade schooler, but alas it's almost considered a sin in the evangelical world to spend to much time in the Tanach (old testament), especially if it's the books of the law. Well I have found what I had a burning for, I have found the truth of the gospel, that is spoken into the heart of every man.

Yeshua HaMeshech. My messiah. There is so much that I've always had doubts about in Christianity. The truth has been revealed, I now feel free walking in holiness. My flesh is hostage to my spirit, not the other way around. True healing comes through the word of God. Read the Torah, read the love that God has for us in the law, understand the truth.

I try not to be flat out inflammatory, but it's hard. Seeing so many lies right before my eyes, my flesh wants to blast, but I can't. It would be a sin, I can't cause you to stumble. Anyway I love you all. Maybe we can hang out sometime, those of you that haven't been in my life in a long while.
