Sunday, November 12, 2006

Romeo and Juliet

So last night I went to see the Shakespeare classic, Romeo and Juliet. And even though I don't like when classics are metaled with, the bust-out swing dance scene with no real transition was pulled off wonderfully. Props Heather.

Anyway on with the blog. So I got to thinking, and how twisted fate is. You either like a person or they like you, until one day your desires are beaten down to a point that you don't care and are Wotan for anyone who will smile at your face and say they love you.

People say they find love and that love is for everyone. But if we have to compromise away all that is idealistic, or in constant worry that the person we are with could cheat at any moment, did we really find love?

If my only real goal I've ever had was to have happiness, and happiness has all but eluded me, what then should my goal be? To suffer then? For if by pursuit of happiness suffering found, then by pursuit of suffering happiness should be found. Alas, this is not the case, for the very nature of this realm is but that of suffering. That because of some deed of an ancestor of my ancestor we are all on this ball meant to torture the souls of those entrapped on it.

What then shall we say of love, but a construct meant to make us hope and control our desire? If this is so what be the point? Alas we must conclude that love is more and that it will not always allude, or we have no hope and no reason to continue.

Continue we must and so again I say, love awaits, even if this utterance is self delusion, for in my self delusion I can at least carry on.



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