Sunday, November 12, 2006


Being a sojourner of the experience of being human, I am contemplative of the root of all sorrow. There is no more greater a driving force in the will of humanity than lust. Lust not being the Erotic desires of men, but being that driving passion for gain, to grab at that which we do not have. The lust of power, the lust of money, the lust of fame, the lust of women, the lust of men: all these are lust, and all the same. Like a alcoholic that dries up, or a meth head that goes sober, so is it with lust. More often than not the object of lust changes, but the desire remains. In an instant when we realize that our ever pressing for our object is not satisfying our carnal drive, it is many times the case that we just change our object.

From flesh to money, or from money to friends, from friends to money, from power to flesh: it's just a change in the object, always will we have our Precious. In the stark contrast of good vs evil we found what was once a merry pot puffing hobbit, has now become a sinister creature, but only when he feels that someone is trying to snatch his lust object away from him. A ring that is the totality of all the world's lust, lust at it's perfection, imbued into a single gold ring. What a horrifying thought to be driven by such a ring, but how many of us, after reading the novel or watching the movie secretly wished to posses that very ring? To have all the power... maybe we diluted ourselves to saying that only if we could have the power without the consequences, but really we do that every day with our lusts...that is we pretend that the effects are never there. Still we push for the object, as a moth to the flame. This is not some great evil of our day, or the end of things in this dark age. How diluted a people we are to think that things are bad now. Things are better than they have ever been. Or have we rewrote history so perfectly and made many a Saint in every age that we believe that the world today is a far greater corrupt place than ever their was. The puritan ideal that we believe has ever existed never was. This is the only age that brothels do not openly plague the streets. There is no great falling away in the churches today, there is just a reality check that are delusions are not true.

What can we say, this world is filled with lust, from when Eve desired that forbidden fruit, lust entered the world, and that is what lust is, having which we should not, going against the order of the world, trying to manipulate the laws of this realm.

I have nothing to say really. Lust is with us, the drive for evil, but what would we be like without lust. Is the human condition possible without lust? Is sober-mindedness a possible reality? It is sought after for by many through the ages, but was it ever made complete? Is it a race that can really be won?There are no answers. For many a nights has there been a beating of chest, and a humble and contrite heart laid waist, but the answers have been far from coming. There is no answer from the heavens when I speak. For if there were, would it not be in a way that I should know the voice is speaking? What master tells his servants to but come, and they cry out to find the way, the master tells his servants it is a plain path, that all men should follow, but will not allow the servant to hear and see that he might walk on the path of the master.And with this I must continue to sojourn, for vanity prevails either way, but a loss of hope brings even greater yet a tragedy.



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